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How to Download Adobe Software on Apple Updated FREE

How to Download Adobe Software on Apple

Information technology has been a few years since I last used any Adobe program on a Mac for my astrophotography. I use PixInsight for the prototype processing of long exposure astrophotography and Nikons (present Googles) Capture NX2 for (batch) processing my RAW images, more often than not for timelapses.
Still, it's these timelapses which are now making me install Adobe Lightroom. I want to try LRTimelapse and that program uses Adobe Lightroom, that's why I try to install Adobe Lightroom on my Mac. I say 'endeavour', cause I ran in to a very frustrating problem while doing and so. In fact I ran into problems with all kinds of Adobe software I wanted to endeavor out and install.
Luckily, the fix was easy, even though Googling the problem didn't show me the answer right away. That's why I decided to write this post and share my experience as to how I solved some problems with running Lightroom on the Mac and/or installing the Creative Cloud programme on a Mac.

Problems with installing and running Adobe Creative Cloud

First of all; installing Adobe Lightroom seems to exist quite a hassle to do. Information technology's non obvious how to practice this stand lone and Adobe is more or less forcing you to install it through the Artistic Cloud app. There is a way to but install Lightroom itself withal, you can read how further downwards in this article.
Later on downloading and using the installer I got the message that everything was ok and was able to sign in with my Adobe account. However, most immediately an mistake popped upward which rendered the whole programme useless;


The fault itself seems to be pretty directly forward. If you look into the details you lot'll encounter that the plan tries to create a folder chosen /CoreSync/ inside the /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ binder, simply is failing. This is of class some sort of rights problem, and I found 3 possible solutions for this:

Adjusting the admission rights of the Adobe binder
With Finder:
– Go to Folder
– Blazon in /Library/, the program will come up with the correct binder.
– Go in to the Awarding Back up folder
– Correct click on the Adobe folder and cull 'Become Info'
– At the bottom there will exist a section for adjusting the rights to this folder. Fix rights to Read/Write for everyone and for the admin user.

With the Concluding;
– go to ~/Library/Application\ Support/
– chmod 775 Adobe

Adjusting the access rights of the CoreSync folder
Basically same thing as the previous solution, but and so only adjust the rights to the CoreSync folder.
But I didn't have this folder….
Trying to create information technology myself didn't help either.
On to the next possible solution then:

Install Adobe Photoshop Elements (12)
This seemed like a long shot, but someone reported that the error was gone afterwards installing Photoshop Elements.
Unfortunately this didn't help me. Trouble with creating the CoreSync binder notwithstanding persisted. In the end I solved it (read below), but not earlier I tried installing Lightroom itself directly.

I figured I needed to detect Lightroom itself and only install information technology without using the Creative Cloud to work around this nasty rights problem.
Luckily Adobe offers download links on information technology's own website, even though they are pretty well hidden 😉
Just get here and download Lightroom directly;

Problems with running Lightroom on the Mac

And then I downloaded Lightroom and ran the installer. Everything went ok so at present I would surely be able to run Lightroom on my Macbook right?
Lightroom crashes on startup on my Mac. Opening the program just makes it crash immediately.
Looking into the crash written report I noticed a very similar message equally the error with Artistic Cloud:

"gPathUtils.getStandardFilePath: can't create directory at: /Users/[user]/Library/Awarding Back up/Adobe/Lightroom'. terminating with uncaught exception"

Sigh. Again same problems with access rights, even though the Adobe installers are able to write other folders in this detail folder and the rights for everyone is ready to 'read/write'.

Then now what to do?

How to solve problems with admission rights for Adobe programs

The solution (for me at least) in the terminate turned out to be actually simple, although somewhat edgeless. Subsequently trying all these things and running into more or less the same issue with opening Lightroom I figured the problem is actually the Adobe folder, then maybe only throwing away the whole folder and reinstalling Lightroom would assistance?
Yeah! It did!
And then the solution turned out the be quite blunt, but elementary enough:

  1. Uninstall your Adobe programme(south)
  2. Rename your Library/Awarding Back up/Adobe/ folder, so you effectively throw it away but still take a back upwardly.
  3. re-install your Adobe program(southward).
  4. At present it will recreate the Adobe binder and apparently this fourth dimension it is able to set the correct admission rights.



If you have the problem of Lightroom crashing on launch or the Creative Cloud not running correctly, you might be able to solve this actually easy and quickly by removing/renaming the /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ folder.

How to Download Adobe Software on Apple



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